Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When the student is ready!

Welcome to my blog!

I hope this blog finds you well.I know I'm certainly feeling a lot better.Ive finally and I
repeat finally found an Internet marketing guru who wants to cut through all the hype and
other Internet junk and tells you exactly what you need.

Just as I was about to give up on my hope of being successful in this business,Along
comes my answer.Man,talking about when the student is ready the teacher will appear.
All I can say is, man what a teacher.

I'm talking about none other than Alex Jeffery's .I took
one last chance and I mean my very last chance"according to my wife."I shelled out to me
what could have been called a large amount at the time but actually seems to me Alex got
short changed.

I'm telling you this guy is unreal.I signed up for his coaching program thinking that
my wife is probably right and I'm just going to get suckered in again. Man was I wrong.Talk
about over delivering.After a two hour training session Alex stayed around for another two
hours answering any questions.

And doing this with a passion and patience that I have never heard before.Guys he
the one thing you will find out real fast is that Alex isn't just after your money.He is det-
ermined to make his students successful.

Ill keep you posted on my new exciting journey.

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